Private Coaching Programme (PCP)
Fees are updated for 2024
1 pax - $330
2 pax - $210 / pax
3 pax - $200 / pax
4 pax - $190/ pax
5 pax - $180 / pax
6 pax - $170 / pax
7/8 pax - $160 / pax
1 pax - $330 / pax
2pax - $200 / pax
3pax - $190 / pax
4pax - $180 / pax
5pax - $160 / pax
What this group offers:
4 lessons of 45mins
Step-by-step guide to mastery
Dedicated attention to your chosen group
Choice of venue and time
Rental of inline skates at $20 / 4 lessons
*Registration fee of $10 applies (one-time off)
Please be informed that you are required to purchase a helmet and a full set of protective gears (including knees, elbow and wrist gears).
We seek your understanding that we are not able to provide safety gears during this pandemic.